Measles and Rubella Combined Vaccine, Live
Measles and Rubella Combined Vaccine, Live
Measles and Rubella Combined Vaccine, Live

Measles and Rubella Combined Vaccine, Live

Measles and Rubella Combined Vaccine, Live
Measles and Rubella Combined Vaccine, Live
Measles and Rubella Combined Vaccine, Live

Measles and Rubella Combined Vaccine, Live

In 2013, obtained the approval.

In China, MR vaccine belongs to the national immunization program vaccine.


【Active constituent】

Live attenuated measles and rubella virus


0.5 ml per bottle after remelting. The dose of measles virus and rubella virus should not be less than 3.0 lgCCID50


Persons over 8 months of age susceptible to measles and rubella

【Shelf Life】

18 months.